Monday, September 19, 2011

A Follow up to my last Blog: how can we learn if no one teaches us?

A Followup from my last blog:

CNN was reporting about the children's book, Evolution, by Daniel Loxton.  The book, though highly acclaimed has not been published in the USA.  According to CNN the writer was unable to get any US publishing companies to publish it.  Now perhaps there are other reasons not reported by CNN, I don't know that everything reported is completely accurate.  However, it did also have sound bites from three Republican Presidential Candidates.  Perry said that evolution has "some gaps," Bachmann said that there were "hundred's of scientists who believe in Creationism,"  and Huntsman was sure that Republican Candidat'se cannot "run from science."

Though my intention is not to debate Creationism vs Evolution.  I was struck by the fact that if the "Tea Party Candidates" and Republicans run on a  strong family values platform, couldn't they see value in allowing education to include biological drive, instinct and the issues that I previously discussed in my last blog,  if it meant saving the American Institute of Marriage?

We don't teach this information in  schools. Then no wonder we are all confused about the natural stages of marriage, sexual desire and long term connection.  How can we really develop long term love if we aren't given all the information needed?


  1. I could go on and on about this issue, but I think even the evolution curriculum that is taught in science/biology classes doesn't cover anything about the evolution of our sexuality, right? It would be interesting to integrate this subject with a sex ed. class (another hot button issue - when they start teaching creationism and abstinence-only curriculum we will be in huge trouble!) so that students can learn the evolution of desire/sexuality. It's unfortunate this isn't taught until the college level and even then it's an elective course.

  2. Sex is such a touchy subject :)

    It is a shame not to better educate people about sex and desire, instinct vs. long term love and connection.

    The same people who don't think we should educate people about healthy sexual feelings and behaviors are the same people who don't think we should help treat girls with the HPV virus. mmmmm......
