Friday, September 23, 2011


I have been discussing this issue this week with several different couples.  I wondered today why I haven't been writing about this.  I think primarily because I don't want to start such a charged up  subject  at the beginning of my restart of my blog.  Well, it's time because I need to.   You might be saying, "Sure Andrea you can tell us about biology, etc, but how do we actually get that "high" back in our relationships?"

Well, you don't get the "high."  But you can bring back sexual desire and excitement.  You can  reconnect both emotionally and intimately with your partner.   You'll need to go outside your comfort zone a little.  Experiences that will increase the addrenaline and the dopamine are usually slightly outside your comfort zone.

Rather than spewing forth my own ideas, I am reaching out to my readers (which I think there are 3 of at this point) what you or others have done as a way to spice up the intimacy and create  feelings of desire in your/their relationship.

Ok, talk to me!


  1. Hmmmm---thinking--thinking
    after 42 years--hard to get much more creative--or imaginative to get the high back. Guess I'm happy with the comfort of familiarity, and that is enough of the high for me.

  2. I think hearing about that would be helpful. I am sure in the early stages you came up with some great ideas. You obviously made it through that part of your relationship and have developed more mature needs and a more satisfying relationship to meet those needs. Do tell us the secret of your success.

  3. To keep the high,it is important to show each other respect and to show affection to one another outside of the bedroom.It is also important to feel good about yourself, because you will likely be disappointed if you depend on your partner to make you feel good. The "high" really comes from within yourself, and carries through to your relationship. An unhappy person, can never be satisfied.
